Thursday, April 5, 2007

El Viaje


RBX said...

"The Trip" shows scenes I enjoyed watching, especially the outdoor scenes. It has good closeup shots and good long shots also. That it's in black and white seemed to draw my attention to it more. I learned from BECA 340 that using black and white makes it stand out. I think that including the audio that goes with this video would have been nice.

Dietrich Bowman said...

Cool video, I liked how it was in black and white, made it look real classy. I guess it was just supposed to be a day following you guys around, but the audio would have made that a little more clear. The point it that you got something up and it was very engaging.

Cuka Deluxe said...

I really enjoyed the snapshots of scenes. I couldn't hear the audio cus my computer is hella jackedup.

I'll check later at my school's lab...NE Waysz, nice editing. Can you direct my bee.dios for my youtube account. I wanna be a Neo Telenovela Phone Actress one day.

Galactic Sounds said...

original video + black/white = cool!
your video reminded me of some old footage you might find on the internet archives website. the shot taken from the train was my favorite. although i agree that some sort of music would have helped, i don't think it really took away from the video. good work.

Theo said...

The video is nice, it works well in black and white. It needs audio!

larry said...

!No puedo oir, Dan! The video is tight though. It looks like a real film; that makes you a real movie star, huh? I encourage you to add the sound to complete the piece. Otherwise, !buen trabajo!

Ladeda said...

The video is very poetic without any audio. If I hadn't seen the title, I would have thought it was a something like a memory of a good friend who passed away. Good editing.

Troublemaker said...

Okay, I'm glad to know my computer hasn't just fritzed on the sound drivers again.

Very cool video. I think my favorite part was the very beginning. Great capture of facial expression. It spoke just as much as a narration would have.

Benjamin S. Baker said...

Great video, I'd love to see it when the audio is in there. Artsy and good. I like it. Good artsy, I mean/meant.

Alejandro said...

Thanks everybody for all the feedback!